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Working with Job Cache

Some files required by CI/CD job might be slow to populate, for instance, a nodejs project needs to download various nodejs modules, and a maven project needs to download various maven artifacts. With the job cache facility, these files can be uploaded to server and prepopulated later to speed up job run.

  1. Cache may or may not exist when job runs, so the job logic should not rely on existance of the cache
  2. Starting with 10.1, OneDev stores job cache on server instead of local disk so that it can be maintained and shared more easily. Due to this, cache settings defined at job level are removed, and the set up cache step should be used instead.

Set Up Caches

To set up cache, add set up cache step to your job.

set up cache

This step allows to specify a path to be cached along with the key to identify the cache on server. For docker aware executors, the cache path is inside container, and can be an absolute path, or a relative path under job workspace. For shell executors running jobs directly in host environment, the cache path can not be absolute in order to avoid concurrent writes to same set of files for concurrent jobs on same host.

When the cache setup step is encountered, OneDev tries to load the cache from server with defined cache key. If not found, all defined cache load keys will be tried in turn until a cache is found with key starting with the load key. When jobs completes successfully, cached path will be uploaded to server if it is not found via cache key previously and permission allows. Note that cache found via cache load key will still be uploaded.

Uploaded caches are stored on server by project and cache key. CI/CD jobs of a project are allowed to access all caches of the project. However only jobs running against commit reachable from default branch are allowed to upload cache by default. For other jobs, an access token with upload cache permission is required.

Note that multiple cache setup steps can be added in same job to cache multiple paths if desired.

Cache Maintenance

Caches can be managed from tab Settings / Build / Cache Management of a project.

cache management

From here, you can check/delete uploaded caches, as well as configure cache retention days to save disk space.

Example Setup

Template job used in the quickstart tutorial includes steps related to cache setup and usage:

  1. Generate package checksum

    generate package checksum

    This step runs after checkout step and generates md5 checksum from content of file package-lock.json. The checksum value is written to file checksum under job workspace so that it can be referenced in cache setup step later

  2. Set up npm cache

    set up npm cache

    This step runs after the generate package checksum step to prepare node_modules folder before build and test the project:

    • Cache key is defined as node_modules_@file:checksum@ to upload cache whenever file package-lock.json is changed. Without appending the checksum, the cache will never be updated once uploaded.
    • A cache load key is defined as node_modules. With this defined, we do not need to start with an empty nodemodules folder when _package-lock.json changes, as uploaded cache with obsolete checksum can still be loaded as a base to speed up subsequent npm install command
  3. Build and test

    build & test

    This step runs after cache setup step and executes npm install to install/update npm packages. Note that this command should always be called to keep folder node_modules update to date even if it is prepopulated from cache