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Working with Time Tracking

OneDev 9.2 ships with time tracking to track project progress, as well as generating timesheets for work statistics or billing purpose.

Request a Trial Subscription

Time tracking requires a subscription to use. Switch to menu item Administration / Subscription Management, request a trial subscription key and install it into OneDev if you do not have a subscription yet:

request trial subscription

Set Up Time Tracking

Time tracking needs to be enabled per project in general setting like below:

enable time tracking

Additionally, you can tell OneDev to aggregate estimated/spent time of certain issues from their linked issues via global setting Administration / Issue Settings / Time Tracking like below:

global time tracking setting

In this example, times recorded in child issues will be aggregated to parent issue automatically and recursively.

Set Estimated Time

Estimated time can be specified when open an issue. It can also be set via time tracking icon like below:

set estimated time

The icon is gray if estimated time is not set yet. You may run below query to list all issues without estimated time:

"Estimated Time" is "0" 

Log Spent Time

Spent time can also be logged via time tracking icon above. One can add spent time directly, or start/stop work via stopwatch to let OneDev calculates the spent time like below:


Stopwatch displays elapsed time in HH:mm format. This animation is speeded up to show quickly

If user forgets to stop the stopwatch, OneDev will stop it automatically overnight and adds spent time until midnight. User will be notified via email upon this to correct the spent time in issue activities page:

work log

Check Issue Progress

For each issue, the time tracking icon indicates progress of the work. If spent time exceeds estimated time, the icon will be shown as red. One can also show overall progress for all issues matching particular query, or filter issues with progress criteria:

issue progress

Additionally, one can use below query to list all issues underestimated (spent time exceeds estimated time):

"Progress" is greater than "1" 

The milestone burndown chart also shows the progress over time, compared with guideline:

milestone burndown

Note that in this screenshot, closed state gets negative remaining time at some point, which means that spent time exceeds estimated time when issue is closed. The gap betweeen open state and other states actually discloses estimation accuracy: if the gap is above open state, issues are overestiamted overall, otherwise underestimated.

Create Timesheets

Timesheets can be created for work statistics or billing purpose, with option to filter issues, show by issues or users, group by project or custom issue fields, and export as excel:

timesheet option timesheet by issue timesheet by user

At last, burndown charts and timesheets can be added to dashboard via widgets for quick access:
